Spaces and Orgs a user is associated to in CloudFoundry

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Assumptions/ Prerequisites

  1. You have admin rights of CloudFoundry.
  2. You have cf cli installed.
  3. You are using v3 of CloudFoundry API.

Script to get spaces, orgs and roles associated with an user in CloudFoundry

 3set -eu -o pipefail
 4userObject="$(cf curl '/v3/users?usernames=<SomeUserName>')"
 7userFound="$(echo "$userObject" | jq .pagination.total_results)"
 8#This script assumes there should be only 1 user with the given username
 9if [ "$userFound" == "1" ]; then
10  userID="$(echo "$userObject" | jq -r .resources[0].guid)"
11#This script assumes that the user has got maximum of 1000 roles, otherwise increase the value from 1000 in below line
12  rolesObject="$(cf curl "/v3/roles?user_guids=$userID&per_page=1000")"
13  for key in $(jq '.resources | keys | .[]' <<< "$rolesObject"); do
14    value=$(jq -r ".resources[$key]" <<< "$rolesObject");
15    roleType="$(jq -r '.type' <<< "$value")"
16    if [[ "$roleType" == *"org"* ]]; then
17          orgURL="/v3/organizations/$(jq -r '' <<< "$value")"
18          orgName="$(cf curl "$orgURL" | jq -r .name)"
19    fi
20    if [[ "$roleType" == *"space"* ]]; then
21          spaceURL="/v3/spaces/$(jq -r '' <<< "$value")"
22          spaceName="$(cf curl "$spaceURL" | jq -r .name)"
23          orgURL="/v3/organizations/$(cf curl "$spaceURL" | jq -r '')"
24          orgName="$(cf curl "$orgURL" | jq -r .name)"
25    fi
26#This part prints the output, adjust it to your requirements
27    echo "Role: $roleType"
28    echo "OrgName: $orgName"
29    echo "SpaceName: $spaceName"
30  done

To use the above script login to your CloudFoundry api using cf cli and admin credentials. Than in the above script replace <SomeUserName> with the username for which you need the details, and then run the script.

That is it, you get the required data.